Do My Teeth Need a Deep Cleaning?

December 29, 2020 6:49 pm

Brunette woman in a lavender shirt wonders if her teeth need a deep cleaning to treat gum disease

Even if you brush well and floss every day, we recommend you visit the dentist every six months. Routine professional teeth cleanings are an important part of good oral hygiene. Using our expertise and special tools, we examine, clean, and polish your teeth. We also evaluate the health of your gums.

For some patients, we’ll recommend a deep cleaning. Read on to learn about this treatment for gum disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is characterized by mild inflammation and irritation due to the buildup of plaque, a harmful film of bacteria. Your gums might feel tender, be prone to bleeding, and change color. If untreated, gingivitis will advance to periodontitis.

In periodontitis, your gums pull away from your teeth, creating pockets. This can result in swollen gums, toothaches, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and infection. Jawbone and tooth loss can also occur.

Gum disease is most often a result of poor oral hygiene. Your risk increases if you use tobacco products, have uncontrolled diabetes, and consume a diet excessively high in carbohydrates and sugar. Certain medications and underlying medical conditions can also make gum disease more likely.

What Is a Deep Cleaning?

In its early stage, gum disease can be reversed with improved oral hygiene and routine visits to the dentist for cleanings.

If your gum disease is more severe, a routine dental cleaning may not be enough. Our team can create a custom deep cleaning treatment plan, which can involve antibiotics, scaling, and root planing. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar below your gum line. Root planing smooths out your tooth roots so your gums reattach and heal.

Gum Disease Treatment in Temple Terrace, FL

Many patients visit our Temple Terrace dental office twice a year for routine cleanings. However, if you have advanced gum disease, you may need to visit 3-4 times a year. Deep cleanings can cause more discomfort than a regular cleaning, but they’re not painful thanks to a local anesthetic. Our office offers comfortable dentistry for patients of all ages!

So if you’re noticing any warning signs of gum disease, please contact us sooner rather than later so we can get your gum health back on track!